Our Team
Our team consists of two parts.
1. Members from University of the Bundeswehr Munich:
Julius Beerwerth M.Sc.,
Victor Cheidde Chaim M.Sc.,
Hazem Ibrahim M.Sc.,
Samuel Krüger M.Sc.
2. Members from
RWTH Aachen University:
Our research in the field of Cyber-Physical Mobility focuses on the interdisciplinary intersection of control engineering, mathematical optimization, communications, embedded software, and perception. Our research interests include distributed decision-making and verification, service-oriented software architecture, machine learning, and their applications to connected and automated vehicles.
We conduct various projects in this research area funded by public organizations and industrial partners. The Cyber-Physical Mobility Lab is our team-wide project that makes our research results tangible, both for the scientific staff as well as for students.

Open Positions
We are always looking for motivated and ambitious persons to join our team. We offer PhD positions, theses, and student assistant positions.
Current Members

Dr. Bassam Alrifaee
I contribute to the Lab architecture and lead the CPM Lab in research and eduction.

Julius Beerwerth, M.Sc.
I contribute to the Lab software and conduct research in the AUTOtech.agil project.

Alexandru Kampmann, M.Sc.
I contribute to the Lab infrastructure and conduct research in the UNICARagil project.

David Philipp Klüner, M.Sc.
I contribute to the Lab remote access and conduct research in the AUTOtech.agil project.

Simon Schäfer, M.Sc.
I contribute to the Lab’s software and do research on sensor data fusion.

Patrick Scheffe, M.Sc.
I contribute to the Lab vehicles and localization and conduct research in the GROKO-PLAN project.
Completed PhD

Dr. Maximilian Kloock
I worked in the AutoKnigge project and contributed to the Lab’s architecture and software.

Dr. Armin Mokhtarian
I contributed to the Lab’s remote access and conducted research in the UNICARagil project.
Fabio Sonnenschein
Florian Raeth
Georg Dorndorf
Hans Schmitz
Hendrik Steidl
Julius Kahle
Karl Kämmerling
Lucas Hegerath
Min Li
Niels Freitag
Paul Kailer
Almut Herzog
Carlos Yeverino
Celina Kalus
Christoph Frauzem
Danyel Coban
Dennis Ukehaxhaj
Feras Mulhem
Hadi Elnemr
Hannah Spallek
Isabelle Tülleners
Jan Brüggenjürgen
Janis Maczijewski
Johannes Rolf
Lasse Jacob
Leon Gentges
Leon Rabanus
Marius Hasselbach
Melek Altuntas
Pascal Sahner
Philip Kindermann
Phillip Ahlers
Robert Meyer
Robin Münstermann
Samantha Kamel
Thomas Schemmer
Valerie Pfannschmidt
Contact us!
Please use the contact form or one of the following channels to get in touch.
julius[dot]beerwerth[at]unibw [dot]de
Cyber-Physical Mobility Lab
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Zwergerstraße 33, 85579 Neubiberg